Qualification Kits


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Shimadzu TQ series GCMS System kit
P/N: V5-4062

Suitable for qualification of Shimadzu TQ series GCMS systems with triple quad mass detectors.

$677.50 each


Product Contents: Standards & licences.

Standards: 5 x Ampoules of Certified Standards
1 x DFTPP standard (2500 μg/mL)
1 x Octafluoronaphthalene standard (100 pg/μL)
1 x Octafluoronaphthalene standard (1 pg/μL)
1 x Octafluoronaphthalene standard (100 fg/μL)
1 x MS Hydrocarbon standard (C14 / C16)

1 x GC Oven Temperature
1 x GC Oven Temperature - with stability
1 x GC Inlet Temperature
1 x GC Detector Temperature
1 x GC Inlet Pressure Accuracy and Precision
2 x GC Inlet Flow Rate
1 x GC/MS Impedance (RF Tune)
1 x GC/MS Isotope Ratio
1 x GC/MS Signal-to-Noise
1 x GC/MS Mass Precision
1 x GC/MS Interface Temperature
1 x GC/MS Vacuum Verification
2 x GC/MS (EI) TQ AutoTune
1 x GC/MS (EI) TQ Sample Analysis Check
2 x GC/MS (EI/MRM) TQ Sensitivity Check
